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1 Origin
Todays reptiles are survivors of the Great Age of Reptiles that ended about 80 million years ago.
Over time, they have evolved and adapted to changing environments.
Our present reptiles include tortoises, turtles and terrapins, lizards,snakes and crocodiles.
2 Appearance & Reproduction
All reptiles have a scaly skin or horny plates.
All reptiles are cold-blooded animals and have to regulate their body temperature by either warming their bodies in the sun or cooling them in underground burrows.
Reptiles either hatch fully formed eggs, like turtles, or are born alive, like skinks.
3 Habitat
Reptiles choose to live in habitats that provide them with food, shelter and protection from their enemies.
They have developed ways to hide from predators. Patterns and colors on their bodies blend with their surroundings, making them difficult to see. This is called camouflage.
4 Self Defence
Reptiles have developed ways of protecting themselves against enemies:
Crocodiles have a thick heavily armoured skin that makes it almost impossible for any other animal to bite through.
Terrapins - At the slightest sign of danger terrapins drop quickly back underwater and swim away.
5.1 Tortoises
Tortoises can live to be very old because they move slowly and so use only a little energy.
They are herbivores and have strong, sharp beaks (jaws) to chew tough plants.
The giant tortoise can weigh up to 500 pounds and lives longer than any other animal. The oldest recorded tortoise lived for 152 years.
5.2 Turtles & Terrapins
The largest of all turtles are sea turtles.
Turtles dig nests in the sand, near the dunes, above the high water mark. When the eggs hatch the baby turtles must make their way across the sand, attempting to reach the sea.
5.3 Chameleons
Chameleons have large appetites. They catch insects by quickly shooting out a very long tongue and the insect sticks to a sucker onthe tip.
Chameleons change colour to blend in with different backgrounds.
5.4 Lizards
5.4.1 Leguaan
This reptile is the largest lizard in Africa.
It has a strong tail which it uses to swim.
It lives in swamps and rivers and its' favorite food is bird's eggs, ground bird nestlings and frogs.
5.4.2 Komodo Dragon
The Komodo Dragon is the largest lizard in the world.
It can be 10 feet long and weigh 300 pounds.
It is so big it can catch a wild pig or deer to eat.
5.4.3 Gecko
Geckos eat insects. They stalk their prey by moving slowly and carefully and then pounce.
They have special pads on the bottoms of their toes that make them great climbers.
They can run up walls and even upside-down across ceilings.
5.5 Snakes
Snakes are covered with scales. Its skin wears out and has to be replaced by shedding it's old one.
5.5.1 Poisonous
Poisonous snakes catch their prey by injecting them with venom through their teeth which paralyzes them.
Some snakes are front fanged (fangs are at the front of the mouth) and others are back fanged (fangs are at the back of the mouth), some are even able to spit the venom at the eyes of an attacker.
Snake bite antidote is made by "milking" venom from the snake to make the serum.
5.5.2 Constrictors
Constrictors such as pythons and boa constrictors trap their prey by winding themselves around and squeezing them.
5.6 Crocodiles & Alligators
Crocodiles & Alligators
5.6.1 Nile Crocodile
Crocodiles are good mothers.
The Nile Crocodile buries her eggs in the sand and guards them.
When the babies are ready to hatch,they call out and their mother comes to dig up the nest. Then she carries the babies in her mouth to the water.
5.6.2 American Alligator
Alligators spend most of their time in the water.
They can float so only their eyes and nostrils show above the water. This makes it very hard for other animals to see them.